David Lynch is an award winning journalist with a wide range of experience in regional, national and international press.

He has a Masters in English (NUIM), and a First Class Honours Degree in Modern History (NUIM) and studied colloquial Arabic and Middle Eastern history in Bir Zeit university on the West Bank in Palestine.

With over a decade of experience in everything from sport to politics, writing long features, short tabloid pieces, books, foreign reporting and sub-editing. He has worked on a daily national tabloid and for many years in regional newspapers.

Lynch is currently based in Dublin and working for Voice of the Traveller magazine, a publication focused on issues surrounding the Irish Traveller community.

If you would like to contact the author, or see a full CV please email [email protected]

‘For Diversity. Against Discrimination’ Journalism 2007 Award

In 2007 David Lynch, was declared the national winner of the ‘For Diversity. Against Discrimination’ Journalism Award. The Award was presented by the European Commission in recognition of journalism which highlights discrimination issues and as part of the Commission’s "For Diversity. Against Discrimination" information campaign .

Commenting on the selection of David Lynch’s article, ‘The Persistence of Prejudice’, Niall Crowley, Chief Executive of the Equality Authority and Chairperson of the Irish national jury said that the article was unique in exploring the equality dimension to a news story that enjoyed widespread coverage.

"David Lynch, in this article provided a thoughtful and insightful perspective on the relationship between the Gardaí and the Traveller community and the outcome of the Morris Tribunal. The article demonstrated a keen awareness of equality issues and gave a voice to the Traveller community".

"The article was unique in exploring the equality dimension to a news story
that enjoyed widespread coverage. The author provided a thoughtful and
insightful perspective on the relationship between the police and the Traveller
community. He also demonstrated a keen awareness of equality issues. He
gave a voice to the Traveller community and explored an area of discrimination.
The Jury found that the article best matched the criteria laid down by
the rules of the Journalist Awards and the aims of the “For Diversity. Against
Discrimination” campaign. It provided many facts and information that many
readers would be unaware of and was well written, informative and balanced"

Explanation from  the competition jury as to why they choose David Lynch’s winning entry.


Link to Award